Corporate Social Responsibility: CSR
The Company realized the importance of conducting business with social responsibility, good corporate governance and adherence to accuracy, transparency and consideration of benefits and impacts on all stakeholders. In recent years, the Company has focused on operating with social responsibility in the business process (CSR- in – Process) covering human rights, legal labour rights, fair business practices, good working environment and safety to the Company’s employees, including quality services development for the Company’s customers in accordance with the social responsibility guidelines of the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
1. Fair business practices
2. Anti-corruption
3. Human rights protection
4. Equitable labor treatment
5. Responsibility to consumers
6. Environmental protection
7. Community and society development
Fair business practices
The Company has a fair approach to business practices, which has been established as a policy, guidelines and standards for conduct which the Directors, Executives and all employees must comply with the corporate governance policy and business ethics handbook. These covers actions to take care of all groups of stakeholders of the company. The Board of Directors shall supervise the Company to operate and ensure strictly comply with such policies and manuals.
The Company is committed to conducting business with accuracy, honesty, integrity, transparency and accountability, and not practice or support illegal practices and contravenes to the anti-corruption policy.
Human rights protection
The Company adheres to the principles of human rights in working together. All employees must respect human rights and treating each other equally and free from discrimination. The Company has prepared a policy and practice guidelines for all employees.
Equitable labor treatment
The Company recognizes that employees are valuable resources that are an important factor in building the success of the organization, so the Company pledges to treat its employees in accordance with human rights principles. This is not against the law, taking into account the needs of employees to promote skills development and stability, as well as career progression for employees, which has been defined as policies and guidelines for treating employees, including safety, occupational health, environment policies and recruitment policies and practices.
Responsibility to consumers
The Company is committed to delivering services for consumer satisfaction and the best interests of our customers through efficient services by setting practical guidelines to consumers as follows:
1-Commit to develop and innovate to achieve the modern service that meets customer needs.
2-Must not act any deception or be oblivious to the quality of products and services.
3-Maintain a system for storing customer/related persons ‘information and prevent safety for misusing of information.
4-Have a channel to receive suggestion, giving advice and receiving complaints to make consumers satisfied and get the most satisfaction from using the services.
Environmental protection
The Company pays attention to the environmental impact which is related to the Company’s business operations, as well as its commitment to encourage employees’ consciousness and responsibility to the environment per set up practical guidelines as follows:
1-Instilling a consciousness of social responsibility on environment and natural resources for employees of all levels.
2-Supporting and encouraging the effective and efficient usage of materials or equipment and resources.
3-Supporting the sharing of environmental information and supporting activities both domestically and internationally that are beneficial to the environment.
Community and society development
The Company attaches importance to the safety of community and society and is committed to promoting employees’ conscience and social and community responsibility, as well as providing supporting improvement of quality of life and prosperity to the community by establishing guidelines for the treatment of community, society and environment as follows:
1-Take responsibility and provide appropriate assistance to society and community, taking into account local culture and traditions in that area.
2-Regularly conduct activities or participate in activities to create society and community.
3-Build good relationships with government and private sector organizations to cooperate in sustainable community and social development.
4-Instill awareness of social and community responsibility for employees at all levels.